• Jiu-Jitsu better known as Brazilian Jiu JItsu (BJJ) is a martial art that allows a smaller, weaker person to successfully defend themselves against a larger, stronger attacker by taking the fight to the ground. Jiu Jitsu focuses on controlling and submitting your opponent with dominating positions, submission techniques and joint locks to immobilize your opponent rendering them defenseless.

  • We opened our doors in April 2022 because we wanted to see more diversity in Jiu Jitsu and offer exciting and engaging curriculum.

    We also wanted to offer a facility where everyone feels at home and comfortable. You know when people say “we’re family.” or “we’re not like other places.” but don’t actually mean it and act like it? We hate that. Because with us, that’s the only way we know how to act and operate. We built A-Side with our family in mind- a place where it’s comfortable, welcoming and thoughtful.

    What you see is what you get with us. We’ll always make it fun. We’ll give you great instruction. We’ll keep things clean and safe. And we’ll always play good music. (We take requests!)

  • The best Jiu Jitsu experience ever!

    Come hydrated and 5-10 mins before class.

    Check in with anyone from A-Side to sign a waiver and questionnaire. They’ll walk you to the back where you can put away your belongings in any cubby, they’re not assigned. Or hang your clothes on the rack or put away your shoes/sandals under the benches or on the shoe rack. If you need to change we have a changing area and bathroom. Amenities are provided.

    If you haven’t already go over A-Side’s Code of Conduct.

    Meet your Prof or Coach. They’ll make sure to guide you through class so you understand the movements and execute them correctly and safely.

    All classes start with warm-ups to get your heart rate acclimated and muscles engaged. After that instruction with the move or sequence of the week. Followed by drills because practice makes perfect.

    Don’t let the cardio workout surprise you! 3 or 5 minute drills may get you dripping in sweat but feeling like a total badass. Jit Jitsu is a beast of a workout.

    After class make sure to stretch and fuel yourself! You may be a bit sore the next day. Jiu Jitsu challenges your muscles in new ways. They may be screaming but they’re screaming for more Jiu Jitsu!

  • If you’re coming to a “gi” class a Jiu Jitsu gi and rash guard/undershirt are required. If you don’t have a gi you can purchase one at the studio/academy. If you want to try this class for the first time we offer loaner gis, but we have limited sizes. Otherwise you can purchase your own gi. Make sure it’s specific to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Gis for other martial arts like Karate or Taekwondo will not suffice.

    If you’re attending a “no-gi” class you can come in work-out attire. Try to have it as form fitting as possible. It will make for an efficient roll.

    No socks, jewelry or hair pins. All you should wear on the mats are a gi and belt or workout gear, undershirt, underwear and a great attitude!

  • Yes! We allow all colors and designs of gis. We love to keep up with all the new drops because the designs are getting better and cooler.

    We do not have any rules! Wear what you like. All we require is your gi/uniform is made specifically for Jiu Jitsu. You can not train in a gi designed for another martial art like Karate, Taekwondo, Kenpo, etc.

  • Prof. Arman and Prof. Albert both trained under a long line of strong, ferocious and esteemed BJJ black belt practitioners and competitors. They both received their black belts under Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club/ Streetsports.

    Come in for a free class and we’ll give you all the details.

  • With any contact sport/martial art there’s a risk of injury.

    Common and minor injuries are mat burns, bruises, joint tweaks, etc… Some Jiu Jitsu practitioners call those badges of honor.

    Safety is our priority and we’re doing everything on our part to keep you safe. While others have 1” mats on concrete. We invested in 2” competition grade mats, built a custom frame and laid those on top of 2” super foam. Which means our mats absorb most of your fall and not your body.

    We also believe a lot of injuries could be prevented with a reminder of checking your ego at the door and to respect your training partner and yourself. We start every class with a safety talk because it’s important to keep in mind we’re all training to learn. Not to obliterate our opponent. But hey, if that’s what you want to do join our competition class and let’s win some medals as a team!

  • There’s plenty of metered street parking. After 6:00PM and Sundays, parking is free!

  • Our open mat is every Sunday from 10a-12p. We open our doors to provide a clean, safe and fun atmosphere for you to drill, roll, connect, troubleshoot your game or just hang and talk Jiu Jitsu. There is no class during this time. and it is free of charge.

    All levels are welcome, regardless of team, gym or affiliation.